The Tata Nano is a a small, affordable, rear-engined, four-passenger car aimed primarily at the Indian market — first presented by India's Tata Motors at the 9th annual Auto Expo on January 10, 2008, at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, India. Tata targets the vehicle as the least expensive production car in the world — aiming for a starting price of 100,000 rupees or approximately $2000 US.
Newsweek identifies the Nano as a part of a "new breed of 21st-century cars" that embody "a contrarian philosophy of smaller, lighter, cheaper" and portend a new era in inexpensive personal transportation — and potentially, "global gridlock" . The Wall Street Journal confirms a global trend toward small cars, which includes the Nano. The prefix "nano-" derives from the Greek root 'nanos', meaning dwarf. "Nano" also means "small" in Gujarati, the native language of the Tata family, founders of the Tata Group.
According to most of the sources of the company the new model Tata Nano can be launched by 26th of January 2009. The company's corporate communication officer, Debashish Ray told the reporters that it is expected the Tata Nano is expected to come in the market in the shortest time possible. Passing the latest test drives in the hilly terrains of Chamboli it has passed the various test drives required before the initial launch. It is expected that the company will start the full version of productions at its new plant to be opened at Sanand, Gujarat.

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